Modernizing Technology: What Do You Need To Do To Move Forward

Arun Vijayaraghavan is a software leader in Broadcom Software, leading a central engineering group responsible for the DevOps infrastructure and Machine learning services. Over the past decade, Arun has led engineering, and product management teams focused on modernizing traditionally legacy products used in mission-critical areas such as supply chain management and core infrastructure software.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Why legacy software is still relevant

  • What DevOps developers do

  • What is the Modernization of technology

  • Why you would want to modernize technology

  • Why people and culture is an integral piece to modernizing techniques

  • The impact of AI on modernization practices

  • How COVID affected digital infrastructure

  • The connection between speed and simplicity

  • Three key points to modernizing technology

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This episode is sponsored by STS Capital Partners and Altruvest Charitable Services.

In this episode…

Would you rebuild a train station or airport? Or would you build and improve upon the current facilities? It is similar to legacy software. Sometimes it is better to build on to the current system instead of starting from scratch. There is always a way to expand what you have with modernized technology without disrupting its core. Arun Vijayaraghaven the R&D Director at Broadcom Software uses his experience in supply chain software and interest in machine learning to help teams move towards technology goals from a development operations (DevOps) perspective.

Businesses who have specific goals and metrics in mind when looking at technology will have better success if they work backward from that goal or metric. Arun explains how legacy infrastructure can be modernized with current technologies allowing for expansion and protection, which can significantly speed up processes and simplify the experience for the consumer. Arun discusses that AI and COVID are pushing companies to seek technology modernization.

In this episode of What CEOs Talk About, host Martin Hunter and guest Arun Vijayaraghaven discuss the importance of modernizing legacy software to serve consumers better. Modernization is about improving and investing in what you have. Arun summarizes what he thinks is essential to this process; having a goal in mind, not assuming software can’t be modernized, and the importance of people and company culture.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

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