Podcast Alex Hochhausen Podcast Alex Hochhausen

Making Money Make Sense

In this episode of What CEOs Talk About, host Martin Hunter and guest Marc Henein break down the ins and outs of wealth management, the meaning of wealth, what a successful CEO will need to prepare for, the best kind of business growth to achieve, and how to factor philanthropy into your wealth plan. Marc has great insight into financial matters and, what’s more, he truly enjoys his work and sharing his wealth knowledge with others.

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Podcast Guest User Podcast Guest User

Financial Freedom… Don’t Spend More Than You Make!

In this episode of What CEOs Talk About, host Martin Hunter and Styron Powers talk about a fundamental path to financial freedom; that of not spending more than you earn. Styron shares how he was raised to value money and instructed to always save a portion of it. He and Martin discuss delayed gratification, really thinking through purchases, and the vital necessity of planning for your future.

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