Explosive Growth, Emerging Industry, and Highly Scrutinized Organizations

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Mitchell Demeter is a serial entrepreneur and pioneering figure in the cryptocurrency industry. Having gained worldwide attention for launching the world’s first Bitcoin ATM in Vancouver, followed by locations and partnerships in London, Singapore, Bucharest, and Tokyo; Mitchell later co-founded Cointrader Exchange, one of Canada's earliest online digital currency exchanges, which was acquired in 2015.

He currently serves as President of Netcoins, a cryptocurrency trading platform, where he has helped grow the team, operations, and overall topline revenue. His vision is to make it easy and accessible for anyone to buy, sell, and understand cryptocurrency. His core belief is that sound money is ultimately more beneficial for society; he is deeply passionate about the crypto industry and its limitless possibilities.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • How Mitchell was involved in growing Netcoins from 2 to 27 staff members

  • The unique challenges of cryptocurrency

  • An explanation of bitcoin and Mitchell’s journey within that realm

  • What mindset Mitchell looks for when hiring

  • The unique challenges of working in an industry featuring such explosive growth

  • Why solution oriented people are desirable in business

  • How working to demystify cryptocurrency brings competing companies together in a spirit of cooperation

  • The reality of the auditing process in a high risk industry

  • What Mitchell is working on in regards to his business and his personal life

  • How his remote-working staff build bonds and stay connected 

In this episode….

Mitchell Demeter got involved in cryptocurrency in 2013. He had always maintained an interest in gold, silver, economics, and money industries and when he and his friends discovered bitcoin they found their theories translated well into its structure. Mitchell created one of the first in-person crypto brokerages in Vancouver and was one of the first co-founders of cryptocurrency ATMs.

In 2019 Mitchell became President of Netcoins. He has a passion for cryptocurrency and its possibilities and he enjoys that the industry is never stagnant but always evolving quickly. He understands not only the entrepreneurial spirit but also what it takes to survive and thrive in a high stakes and largely-misunderstood industry that is experiencing explosive growth. 

In this episode of What CEOs Talk About, host Martin Hunter discusses bitcoin with Mitchell Demeter. They get into the essentials of cryptocurrency but dig deeper to find out the kind of people Mitchell looks to hire, how he himself handles the challenges innate to such a growth-based industry, and his goals for the future. They address fears, ambition, and how to make working remotely a connective experience for all workers.

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