Victimtown - An Unavoidable Destination and The Gifts It Offers

Liz’s workshops and book are for people wrestling with the big questions of life. They may be on a healing journey already, or maybe they’re feeling lost and yearning for something more. They might have anxiety or depression - or perhaps they’re just thinking, “There’s GOTTA be more to life.”

Her core message is that our childhood coping mechanisms are not meant to be permanent.

Liz wrote this book because it took her fifty-eight years to figure out most of her shit. And that’s okay. She definitely doesn't have everything sorted out. But, Liz learned a few things that she wanted to share. Things that will help other people figure out their own stuff sooner.

When Liz was six years old, her favorite aunt, Linda White, disappeared at the age of nineteen. As Liz’s mother moved into the role of crisis management, she completely checked out of parenting. They moved into her grandparents’ house, and Liz grew up in Linda’s bedroom. They all endured five very long years of not knowing if she was even alive. And today, more than fifty years later, Linda’s case remains unsolved.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 

  • A tale from Liz’s childhood

  • What Liz terms “Victimtown” and the places within

  • Martin’s implementation of “fear-setting” as a CEO

  • Use of our “heart-voice” to talk back and calm fear

  • Conversation techniques to destigmatize talking about mental health

  • Tools to dealing with stressors and struggles

  • How visiting “Victimtown” can be beneficial

  • Identify root causes to recognize and fix problems

Sponsors for this episode

This episode is sponsored by STS Capital Partners and Altruvest Charitable Services.

In this episode….

Liz Long is about to turn 60 and is in the beginning of her third career, where she feels she is finally meant to be. She started out in accounting with other entrepreneurial experiences over the years. Liz then moved to her second career of managing a team of agents in the residential industry. Now she is a mental health advocate by sharing her story through writing and publishing a book about her mental health journey.

Liz shares an excerpt from her book Victimtown, an Unavoidable Destination, and the Gifts it Offers, prompting the overall discussion of what “Victimtown” is and the places within. Through this Liz, and Martin are able to hit on key tools CEOs can use to discuss and deal with mental health in both the workplace and personally.

In this episode of What CEOs Talk About, host Martin Hunter and guest Liz Long discuss mental health and how, through her analogy of “Victimtown” talking about mental health in the workplace can be less daunting. Liz highlights how childhood development can greatly affect coping mechanisms and tools to deal with stressors. Liz and Martin discuss how therapy can help in recognizing and fixing negative coping mechanisms.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

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Escaping the Golden Handcuffs


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